Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Dirty Pillows Hunt 3! is now taking applications!

So here we go again! It's that time of year! Time to get ready for The Dirty Pillows Hunt 3!! This is one of the most popular hunts on the grid! I am taking applications now. 
Hunt start and end date: Nov 1st. 2014 at 12 pm SLT - Nov 30th 2014 at 12 midnight SLT.

Hunt Theme: Bedroom wear! (Nightgowns, teddies, bra & panty sets, corsets, lingerie, pajamas, etc.) Brand new creations are encouraged but recolors/reprints of already released items are fine. IMPORTANT!!  CREATION MUST HAVE A BREAST APPLIER! This is a hunt for Mesh Breasts! (Lolas, Vstrings, Sinful Needs) If your store does not sell breast applier fashion you will not be accepted into this hunt!! Of course you can include other appliers in your creation (mesh bottoms, or bodies) but this is not required.  What is required is that you provide a breast applier for your creation.

This is a free hunt.  No sponsors, no asking for lindens.  Your item should be priced at 0L.  This hunt is to promote stores and give back to a community I love and hold dear to me.  However everyone is welcomed to join the hunters and look for prizes, almost all prizes will be suitable for those without mesh breast.

Here is all the info you need.

Hunt Start & End: Nov 1st. 2014 at 12 pm SLT - Nov 30th 2014 at 12 midnight SLT.

Hunt Object : A Pillow

Cutoff date for applications:  Oct. 15th 2014.

Number of stores in hunt. 25 - 30


                              Send a notecard to Issybella Quintessa with the following information:

* Store Name :

* Owner Name:

*Full Perm Store Logo:

*Store LM:

*Store SURL:

*Name of avatar to invite to hunt group (does not have to be the main account, an alt is fine):

*Names of avatars to contact with any questions, send out hunt items and signs to:

*Do you understand that failure to meet hunt time line deadlines and not communicating with the hunt organizer (Issybella Quintessa) can result in being dropped from the hunt?

Please return this notecard to Issybella Quintessa!  Please label it store name TDP3 Application. 
(example Que Bella!TDP3 Application)